Literature and History majors develop an appreciation of pivotal moments in history and their impact on cultures worldwide. This interdisciplinary program showcases the dynamic relationship between these two vitally important fields of study. Students perform research in the humanities while learning how to shape their own research projects, culminating in senior theses.
Each course in the program illuminates human nature on a personal and grand scale. Every course allows students to absorb different points of view. To read literature is to read about the thoughts, emotions, concerns, and beliefs of other human beings. Every author has a unique perspective on life that engages us, challenges us, validates us, and enhances our awareness of how to live in the world. The appreciation of history and its effects around the world is valuable for any person working in an era of globalization.
Both the core and elective courses prepare students for fields requiring analytic thought and effective communication including:
“Literature and History allow students to make sense of the world and the human experience, establish a sense of connection to their ancestors and contemporaries, and develop a capacity for perspective, empathy, and understanding.”